Diva, Are You…
Tired of empty dating advice found all over the internet, and ineffective matchmaking services, love coaching and do-it-yourself courses that leads to nowhere but more frustration?

Wondering what’s holding you back from finding true love?

Ready to meet men on your level who can add value to your life instead of the soft, draining, 50/50, emotionally unavailable men who drain you and waste your time?

Afraid you will miss out on starting that family you desperately want to have?

Ready to stop swiping aimlessly and meet “the one’”?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!


Discover why women of high standards like YOU from all around the world, of various backgrounds, seek access to our upscale, exclusive community at Boss Diva University.

We are the world's leading Love Mastery Agency, where successful, high-income earning women achieve remarkable results in their journey to love. With a 98% success rate, we specialize in guiding you towards greater happiness in life and love with your romantic best friend by your side.

Still Unsure?

I’m Bringing Receipts. Hear what these Divas have to say. 
"I took the leap of faith and it was the best decision I've ever made...Thank you for leaning into your calling and helping me heal and helping all of the women heal because you've changed my entire life for the better."
- Skye L, I.T. Specialist for a Sports Betting Company
"And at the end of the day, your peace, there's no price tag on your peace, healing your trauma. There's no price tag on healing your trauma and money comes and goes. I'm worth it."
- Sheema R, Executive & VP
"She [Shay] literally let me connect with my inner self, the real self, the person that I always knew that I was inside of me. And I am so grateful that I got to see the queen that I am."
- Ariadna G, Ms Columbia, Model, & Actress
"I began to question my ability to, to choose the right man... And I felt I needed to heal from all the trauma that I experienced in my love life. I can't thank Shay enough."
- Deirdra C, Speaker & Author
"I knew that something had to change and the more I listen, the more she spoke, the more I realized that she knew what she was talking about and she had, she really did have the formula to make a difference."
- Tiffany P, Owner of an Accounting Agency

Customized Guidance to Meet Your Perfect Match Today

With our patented framework, formula and expert guidance, you can STOP DREAMING about meeting the perfect man and START DATING potential matches.

No two people are the same and your journey to your ultimate life and love shouldn't be either. We’ve got the customized map you need to fast-track your journey to your ultimate life and love experience. All in one place.
Listen to Shay explaining Love MappingCall.


A Love Mapping call is your first step towards “life more abundantly.”

It is a highly personalized spiritual awakening session for those ready to choose themselves and embark on the journey to emotional freedom, self-discovery, more abundance and soul exploding love with your romantic best friend.

During these highly sought-after sessions, we thoroughly explore the obstacles that block you from achieving the love you deserve.

Together, we'll create a personalized action plan aimed at fulfilling your goals across love, career, personal growth, health, and wealth.

Our support is crafted to empower you to realize your fullest potential, ensuring you can enjoy life to its fullest with your romantic best friend at your side.

What To Expect

With genuine care and expertise, your Certified Love Specialist will explore your heart's desires, identify the Love Blocks® hindering your progress, and uncover patterns that have prevented you from achieving your dream life and love. 

She will attentively gauge your readiness to join our transformative community, ensuring it’s a mutually beneficial fit. If you are accepted, she will recommend the appropriate membership level tailored to your specific needs and budget, guiding you towards a fulfilling journey of love and personal growth.

Your Date With Destiny can become your new found birthday!

During your call you will:
Discover why you keep attracting toxic relationships.
Get clear on what you truly want and what it will take to get there.
Discover how we will help you, starting the day of your call, conquer your biggest fears and move you forward in the direction towards your dreams.
Identify your lingering, unhealed wounds blocking you from love so that you can be propelled towards a life of abundance, freedom and healthy love.
Identify your feminine energy level so that you can align with the best version of yourself and automatically, without hard mental gymnastics, gravitate you towards attracting quality, masculine, marriage-minded men who will eventually love your soul.
Discover why you keep attracting toxic relationships.
Get clear on what you truly want and what it will take to get there.
Discover how we will help you, starting the day of your call, conquer your biggest fears and move you forward in the direction towards your dreams.
Identify your lingering, unhealed wounds blocking you from love so that you can be propelled towards a life of abundance, freedom and healthy love.
Identify your feminine energy level so that you can align with the best version of yourself and automatically, without hard mental gymnastics, gravitate you towards attracting quality, masculine, marriage-minded men who will eventually love your soul.

What Are Love Blocks®?

Love Blocks® are obstacles rooted in past experiences or traumas that prevent you from experiencing true love. These blocks, such as negative beliefs about relationships or emotional scars from past abuse, hinder your dating experiences and overall love life. 

However, these blocks can be healed through our unique approach, which integrates various techniques including NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), RTT (Rapid Transformation Techniques), EMDR, hypnotherapy, and more. This approach not only addresses the subconscious layers of trauma but ensures lasting transformation, enabling you to attract healthy, long-lasting love and a fulfilling life.

10 Signs You’re Suffering From Love Blocks

Our mission extends beyond just finding you a quality partner; we're focused on enhancing who you are, enabling you to attract not just any partner, but the perfect one for you, equipping you for a love that stands the test of time.

Ready to overcome those Love Blocks® and manifest the high-quality love you deserve? If you're tired of dating men who don't meet your standards, it's time to transform your approach and reclaim your power in the dating scene. Unsure if this is what you need? Let's explore if this is the right step for you:

Check out this list and see if any of this sounds familiar:

  • You attract selfish men who prioritize their needs over yours.
  • You feel emotionally drained and depleted from past relationships.
  • ​You keep meeting Build-A-Bears who lack drive and ambition.
  • ​You've dated men intimidated by your success and independence.
  • ​You've settled for less and/or ignored red flags out of loneliness.
  • ​You've given your all in relationships, only to barely receive scraps back.
  • ​You've been burned by guys who just wanted casual sex.
  • ​You've been chronically single for awhile unsure of the direction to go in order to find lasting love.
  • ​You've dated men who bleed you dry financially, and you feel cheated.
  • ​ You’ve had your heart broken, or experienced sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, and don’t trust men anymore.
If you said yes to two or more, it's time to take action and break free from these Love Blocks®. You deserve love, abundance and happiness, and with the right mindset, our loving support system, and patented strategies, you CAN attract the man you've always dreamed of. 

Vow To Never Settle For Less Again

Who we are NOT for

At our Love Mastery Agency, we're all about turning your love life into the fairytale you've always dreamed of. But this work isn't for the faint of heart or the half-committed. This powerful Love Mapping Call is exclusively designed for women who are all in, 100% committed, and ready to roll up their sleeves and make their love and life dreams a reality.

This step is NOT for you…YET if:

  • You are not yet in a financially secure place to afford investing in your healing journey. Our clients usually make six figures (or close to it) or more a year and are ready to invest in their transformational healing journey. (If you are not yet at this income level, another option for you is found HERE.
  • ​You don't think you have any Love Blocks® at all and are closed to the possibility that you may have some you're unaware of. Having Love Blocks® doesn't mean you're broken or that you haven't done a lot of work. It simply means that you still have barriers keeping you from the love you want. Clear the blocks and abundance in all things can flow to you.
  • ​You find yourself blaming others for your choices or seeking quick fixes for deep-seated issues, it’s important to recognize that real change starts with you. We provide the framework, formula, and expert facilitators to guide you toward your ultimate dream life, but your commitment is essential. Without it, even the most effective tools and strategies won't yield the transformation you seek.
  • ​You are not coachable. We have a stellar reputation and perfect five star review history. Our formula works and we require your fullest cooperation to get you the results thousands of our clients have enjoyed.
  • ​You haven't done your due diligence yet by following Shay for at least 30 to 60 days, watching Shay's free content on TikTok and Instagram, looking up her reviews, watching the YouTube testimonials or listening to the Love On Command podcast or reading her best selling book. An educated client, is the best client and demonstrates your serious commitment to this journey.
  • ​You believe you can tackle your Love Blocks® on your own, for free, or solely with therapy. They say doing the same thing expecting different results is insanity. If you've been trying longer than 3 to 6 months to fix this issue, you are wasting valuable time. Much like choosing to walk across the country instead of flying. One option might significantly slow you down or cause you to never arrive at your desired destination. Our methods offer a quicker, more direct path to overcoming these blocks, preventing old patterns from keeping you stuck and significantly accelerating your journey to finding love.
  • ​You are looking for cheap instead of THE BEST in the world solutions and support to achieve your ultimate goals. Our reviews speak for themselves. Our reputation as the leading thought leader in the love industry has lead to a high demand of top- notch women seeking our help. We don't cut corners on the quality of support, services and elite accommodations we provide our members and we aren't a fit for anyone who prefer to cut corners when it comes to achieving life long success in their love and life goals.
  • ​You are curious and looking to “see what this is about.” We currently have a waiting list of women who are serious about starting their love journey with us and desperately seeking our help. We only take on exceptionally goal-driven women with sky high standards, both for their dating and personal life. This isn't for you until you know you're ready for more abundance in love, money, happiness and career satisfaction and you are willing to run the distance with our expert guidance by your side in order to achieve this.
So, if you're serious about transforming your love life and willing to do what it takes, you're in the right place.

Here's who we are a good fit for:

Women who…
Seeking Fulfillment
Have high standards, and already doing life at the highest level but feel that something is missing and wants love.
Smart Investment
Women who view investing in coaching as a smart choice that saves time, money, and headaches, dramatically accelerating results that trying to achieve on their own might never yield.
Powerfully Coachable
Are strong, powerful women who are not only a pleasure to work with but also positive and completely coachable, fully embracing the coaching process to maximize their personal and professional growth.
Empowering Community
Are willing to join a community of other like-minded, positive women who pour into each other, support each other and encourage each other on the same path to ultimate life and love.
Embracing Change
May be scared of change but are 100% ready to embark on the path of shattering patterns that cause emotional pain, loneliness and life without true love. 
Willing to accept unfiltered honesty with love even if it's not what they want to hear but what she must hear in order to change her life.
Spiritually Open
Are willing to join a community of other like-minded, positive women who pour into each other, support each other and encourage each other on the same path to ultimate life and love.
Ready to Invest
Are prepared to invest in her love journey during the call if accepted into Boss Diva University. 
Just like when a doctor prescribes a treatment, it only works if you apply the steps. So by signing up for a Love Mapping Call, you're also vowing to approach this journey with an open mind and never look back. After all, we want progression, not regression. Showing up once isn’t enough. Consistent effort is the only way to see change.

When it comes to healing trauma, there's no overnight fix. There is, however, a way to upgrade your lifestyle, mindset, actions, and behaviors so you can finally show up as your unapologetic authentic self and manifest your dream life and love experience.
Are you ready to hold our hand to your journey to love, Diva?

Who is Shay?

Meet Your Love Diva

Hey! I’m Shay Levister

My life's mission is to empower you to experience the deepest love imaginable.

Every morning, I wake up with the intention of helping you discover love within yourself, and within the dating world.

Having worked with over 180,000 accomplished women globally (even those who felt hopeless and at their wit's end), I understand the journey to finding love. I see you. I've been there. I can help.

As one of the top 5 ranked love coaches worldwide, a Certified Love Transformer®, published author, and happily married mother of three, I am ready to guide you towards a fulfilling life and love story.

Invest in The Most Important Person: YOU!

As women, we're expected to do it all—to cook, clean, look pretty, raise kids, provide emotional support, and be self sacrificing.

We're so used to pouring into others, that we forget to pour into ourselves. So, why not do something today your future self will thank you for? It’s time to put YOU first. Investing in yourself is the ultimate act of self-care. Before you can enjoy a healthy relationship with a man, it’s crucial to establish one with yourself.
Watch: Invest in Yourself for a Healthier Future
As Seen On:

Discover Your Path to Meeting High-Caliber Men

As the #1 Love Mastery agency in the world with a 98% success rate, our track record speaks for itself. Over 180,000 empowered women worldwide can vouch for our commitment to guiding them to a life and marriage beyond their wildest dreams. Don't miss out on your chance to transform your love life—complete the assessment on the next page, book your Love Mapping Call and put your best foot forward that demonstrates your commitment to yourself and the future you deserve.

Warning, there are limited slots available so you may have to wait a couple of weeks prior to securing an appointment, however, your new found life with your romantic best friend is worth it. 
Book now while you can!

Love Mapping Call

An empowering heart-to-heart with a Certified Love Specialist who will diagnose your Love Blocks and suggest the best solution we can offer to help you achieve life and love mastery. Its the first step to your Happily Ever After. Please be sure to read our “Vow to Never Settle for Less” section above before booking.

Hang Tight Diva, There's More

Here are Some Extra Treats Waiting Just for You…

Bonus #1

Sensual Healing Meditation
Your feminine energy is sacred and it is the third most powerful energy in the world for manifesting your heart's desire. Tap into this power in a guided meditation that will transform your life for the better.

Bonus #2

Free Dating Guide
Receive a Complimentary copy of
The Feminine Dating Cheat Sheet for taking action!


Shay's [Certified Love Specialist] training is top notch because my coach exceeded my expectations, was compassionate, insightful, and truly committed to helping identify and heal my love blocks. Thanks to her guidance, I'm now in a loving, supportive relationship and I'm finally living the life of my dreams."
- Latasha S.
Registered Nurse
"I was skeptical about love coaching at first, but after working with [my Certified Love Specialist], I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. She helped me see things about myself and my past relationships that I never would have realized on my own.
- Michelle D.
VP Of Sales
"Working with my Certified Love Specialist was truly life-changing. She helped me uncover and release the love blocks that were holding me back in my relationships and my career. Thanks to her coaching, I've been able to attract more love, abundance, and joy into my life than I ever thought possible. I can't recommend her enough!"

- Emily M.
Business Owner
"Before I started working with the love specialist team, I felt stuck and frustrated in my love life. But after just a few weeks of coaching, I started to see things in a whole new way. My coach helped me identify my love blocks and gave me the tools I needed to overcome them. Now I'm in a happy, healthy relationship and I'm more confident and fulfilled than ever before. Thank you, Esther!" 
- Sophia K
Take Action Today!


BOOK A CALL !!! with a Certified Love Specialist to receive your Love Map to identify your Love Blocks and Receive a specific love plan to your dream love & life!
Grab this opportunity to create the love life you've always dreamed of.
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